Gramophone Magazine
Solo Cello Suites – No 1; No 3; No 5
Although Sara Sant'Ambrogio, cellist of the Eroica Trio, seems to have stepped carefree and girlishly out of the pages of Vogue (the booklet features seven stunning fashions shots of the cellist draped in pink and red), she comes impressively close to the soul of Bach in a surprisingly simple, earth-goddess type of way.
Rather than apply an ego-driven interpretative "attitude" to the music, Sant'Ambrogio feels her way into every movement, at moderate speeds and carefully, until she finds a pulse and then nurtures it lovingly along. The Gigue finales of each suite have a delightful lilt that sounds like an homage to the groundbreaking legacy of Pablo Casals.
The suites are not played in Numerical order. Instead, after starting with the heroism...
The New York Times
“There was an irresistible warmth in everything Miss Sant’Ambrogio did. It translated into a special quality of sound, and it gave Hindemith’s Solo Sonata both a dignity and a sense of drama…One has rarely heard the ‘Arpeggione’ played with such love."
Palm Beach Daily News
“Sara Sant’Ambrogio offered one of the loveliest and most musical recitals heard here in a very long time. She plays with a rare interpretive sincerity that goes straight to the heart. Her tone is unwaveringly beautiful, most especially when the musical line calls for the intensity and dynamic extremes that so often coarsen the tone. Her cello sang with phrases so beautifully expressed that they seemed to be actually speaking.”